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Thursday, June 21, 2012

I Know a Super Mom

I've mentioned before about enjoying my role as a mentor for new cranio moms. What is really rewarding is when I can meet another cranio family whose child also has epilepsy and I can help them in some way. Seizures can be a side effect of craniosynostosis or they can just be a coincidence. While I would have never  hoped to be in either club I have met some of the most wonderful, amazing, and strong people along the way and I'm proud to be in their company.

Yesterday, my friend and fellow cranio mom, Kathy, ran the entire length of her son's surgery. She talked to the hospital ahead of time and arranged to have access to a treadmill at the hospital for as long as she needed to run the whole time her son Emmett was in surgery. His particular surgery was expected to take 8 hours. She felt that if he could go through so much she could run for him. She set up an event on facebook called Emmett's Virtual Endurance Event and asked everyone to print off the racing bib, wear it the day of Emmett's surgery while doing some kind of movement, and to take a picture for his scrapbook. Sullivan wouldn't keep his on very well but we did wear ours while playing ball outside and I pinned mine to my purse for the rest of the day.

Kathy ran for 7 hours 26 min. She made it the entire length of Emmett's surgery! She ran 36.2 miles and averaged a 12.19 pace. She's amazing! She's my inspiration for mind over matter. Several people joined her in her run at the hospital.. a few people they didn't even know joined in after learning about Emmett's surgery and the Endurance Event! Emmett's event even caught the attention of several news stations. Kathy raised a lot of awareness about cranio and is a true blessing to our community!

1 comment:

  1. That is so amazing and truly inspiring! I am so glad Emmett made it through his surgery and wish him a great recovery. I am sure he is in good hands, especially his mother's. She was incredible to run that entire time. She is a testament to strength, determination, and perseverance! I wish them both well xoxo
