Matthew left Sunday night to help chaperon our church's youth trip to Panama City Beach.
I don't mind being alone, but I was worried that S wouldn't go to bed as well as he usually does. Normally Matthew is the bedtime guru. I'm happy to report that Sullivan slept just as well as always. We're so blessed by how well of a sleeper he has always been. Matthew was really busy on the trip so we didn't get to talk very much. When I was pregnant I set a goal to take at least one picture of Sullivan every day for the first year of his life. I reached that goal and so now I've set out to do it again for year no. 2. That being said, the pictures aren't always amazing, but it makes for an easy way for Daddy to play catch up on our week!
We saw Safari Greg at the library. It was VERY crowded so I'm not sure how much Sullivan actually saw but he enjoyed himself. He laughed along with everyone and started random games of peekaboo with people around us.
We didn't stay the whole time, but still ended up seeing a snake, tortoise, and a Cayman which is a cousin of the crocodile. You learn something new every day!
We stopped by the Farmer's Market on our way home and Sullivan once again started random games of peekaboo with the farmers. It was actually really adorable to watch these old rugged men join in S's game. My BFF Whitney is in town from east TN and she came over and we talked for awhile after S went to bed.
Sullivan went to daycare today and I went to Jackson to run some errands. I got a text from Julie with this picture and a message telling me that Sullivan was entertaining all the big kids on the playground with peekaboo.
My child is all of a sudden a peekaboo-aholic. After my errands I met my friend Sunni for lunch and got a super bad sunburn. Yep, just from sitting outside having lunch. I don't usually burn like that so I don't know what's up, but it hurts! We had dinner at my Mom and Dad's and went to bed early.
Wednesday morning I had an appointment with a new doctor and had tons of blood work done. The lab wasn't sure if they should take all that was ordered at one time or have me come back another day, but I had already arranged for my mom to keep S so I told them to go ahead and do it all. Surprisingly I felt absolutely fine. We had lunch and then headed to Paris for PT and ST as usual. Sullivan did good. Holly worked with him today instead of Shani and I was so proud when he crawled right to Holly and let her pick him up when we got there. No shyness this time!
I started feeling really tired during therapy and mom ended up having to drive us back home. We grabbed a snack and then headed to church. It was ice cream sundae night in my class and the kids loved it!
Dinner was at the golden arches as usual with Mandy. S wasn't on his usual good behavior though.. it took alot to keep him entertained thru dinner.
Sullivan went to daycare again today. This was the first time he's ever gone twice in one week, but I had a few appointments and I ended up needing some rest anyway. I still wasn't feeling 100%; although, I'm not sure whether to blame it on the sunburn, the usual ailments, or the blood work from the day before. After picking him up we headed straight to dinner with my mom and brother- we crashed their usual date night at La Canasta. S was once again not his usual self. I'm not sure if he was just super tired from daycare or what. He ate a good dinner though- 2 Plum squeezers, a string cheese, a chicken soft taco, and some apple cinnamon crunchy things my mom bought him. The kid likes to eat! When we got home we played outside for a bit and he helped me prune my willow tree and clip some flowers for the table.
He played in the bath for over 30 minutes tonight and went to bed a little early. I think this week has worn him out.
On Friday morning Whitney and Dexter came over again and we made watermelon cookies. We played outside for awhile and attempted sidewalk chalk again. Sullivan did better about actually coloring with it this time although he also decided that it was super tasty.
Crawling on the concrete is tough on little toes and so we took a cookie break.
Then it was time to go get Daddy!
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