He played in the box for almost an hour which makes it gold in this house. I didn't even care that he made a mess because really it wasn't that bad.
It's unsweetened cereal so it isn't sticky at all so clean up wasn't too big of a deal. The cereal is pretty easy to scoop up and was put back in the box for next time.
This afternoon's activity was play dough. I made tons of play dough last week for VBS and it was a huge hit. Lots of people have asked for the recipe; I got it here. Sullivan's PT & ST team teach to get the most cooperation out of him so I thought I would pull from their bag of tricks and try a little of the same. I put the play dough on the top of his wooden toy box so he would have to pull up and stay standing to play. He did great!
Sullivan liked picking off little pieces of play dough and making his hand print. He started making impressions in the play dough with the bowl so I got out some cookie cutters. The only plastic cutters that I have are Easter themed.. I might need to work on my collection.
He played for it for quite a while before sampling a bite. I don't think it was very tasty.
All in all a pretty great day at home.
I have a recipe for edible playdough. I've never made it. I thought it would be good to not necessarily tell them they could eat it but just in case they did it would be ok. I need to share the recipe so you can try it & let me know :)